Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Journey to the Wedding of Aquaman Part III

Sunday morning. Clouds had moved in but the humidity remained. By the evening I would be gone, back on the road to the work I despise. Until then, though, I had a lot to take care of. Laundry, cleaning, some organization, and the big one, mowing my lawn. The first three were easy compared to the last. The clouds had moved out and brought in oppressive heat. The air was so heavy with humidity it was hard to breath. It was not the ideal conditions to be pushing a lawnmower in, but it had to be done.

I had planned to get on the road by noon, but then it was pushed back to one, than one-thirty. Finally at two p.m. I was able to be packed up and hit the road. I took one last look at my yellow cottage and then headed up Gladys Drive.

The drive back became a bit depressing. I was leaving behind my friends, my house, and I had no idea when I would be back, and when I was, for how long. Keri Noble's "Piece of My Heart" didn't help the mood. Indeed a cold wind was blowing in. It blew me far away, back to spraying. I was back on the job again today, the Journey behind me. Such is life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow. well written, friend. i almost feel like i was there.

and i love keri noble. she's so great. i wish i had more of her stuff... but alas, that requires money.

and as i like to tell you, don't let the man get you down. :)